Nehemiah Sermon Series

Nehemiah Sermon Series

Join us beginning September 10, for our new sermon series; Nehemiah: God’s Work in Progress. A testimony of God’s Work through His servants from the memoir of Nehemiah. (Sermon Audio Link)
The Great Doctrinal Divide (Summer 2023)

The Great Doctrinal Divide (Summer 2023)

The Continental Divide is an imaginary geographic line that determines which direction water flows. A raindrop (or usually snowflake in Alberta) that falls on the east side of the Great Divide will eventually flow to the Atlantic Ocean. A raindrop on the west side...
Exodus Sermon Series

Exodus Sermon Series

EXODUS: Rescued for Worship (Sermon Audio Link) Hollywood has recognized the dramatic appeal of the second book of the Bible. The 1956 blockbuster, The Ten Commandments, is the eighth most successful film of all time when adjusting for inflation, according to Guinness...
Sunday Morning Worship Broadcast Tune in Live at 10:30AM