Music Ministry
Music is a vehicle by which a message is delivered. We believe that the message of God’s Word is extremely important. Each song is carefully selected to insure that the words are biblically accurate. In our corporate worship we “teach and admonish one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in our hearts to the Lord” (Colossians 3:16).
Since the message being delivered is so important, we carefully evaluate the vehicle of music to make sure it supports the God-honouring message. Music is a powerful tool for human emotion. We want to use musical mediums that draw our hearts and minds to the truths about God that we are singing.

Involvement in the choir ministry is available for children, youth, and adults, with regular times to minister in worship services and special programs such as the Easter and Christmas cantatas.

Handbell Choir
Teens as well as adults have the opportunity to participate in our handbell choirs.

Do you play a musical instrument? You can edify the church through congregational accompaniment and special music presentations.