The Book of Jonah

The Book of Jonah

The Book of Jonah: A Glorious Display of God’s Grace: June 27-July 2021 (Sermon Audio Link) Many people know about Jonah and the whale, but they don’t understand the message of this book. The main character isn’t really Jonah, and it certainly isn’t the great...
The Book of Ruth

The Book of Ruth

The Book of Ruth: Hope in Chaos: April 25-May 2021 (Sermon Audio Link) The first sentence of the Book of Ruth identifies the time period: “in the days when the judges ruled” (Ruth 1:1). This was a dark time in Israel’s history when “everyone did what was right in his...
The Gospel of John

The Gospel of John

The Gospel of John: 2020 Vision: An Accurate View of Jesus and His Message January 2019-April 2021 (Sermon Audio Link) Most people in our society have heard of Jesus Christ. Some recognize Him as a historical figure, but they know very little about Him. For some, He...
Behold Our God

Behold Our God

Behold Our God: September-December 2019 (Sermon Audio Link) AW Tozer said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” This is true because our view of God shapes how we see everything else. A person that doesn’t know the...
Walking in Wisdom

Walking in Wisdom

God’s Priorities for Everyday Life from the Book of ProverbsJanuary-September, 2019 (SermonAudio Link) There has never been a time in history where knowledge has been so easily accessible. Do you even remember what life was like before Google? The digital revolution...
Marriage by Divine Design

Marriage by Divine Design

September-December Evening, 2018 (SermonAudio Link) There is much confusion today in our society’s understanding of history’s oldest institution. Many view marriage as a contractual agreement that can be easily broken. Some look at marriage as a confining...
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