Arrival: Check-in starts Friday at 4:00 p.m. The Camp program begins at 5:00 p.m. Pick-up: 5:30 p.m. on Saturday. What to bring: Bible, bedding (twin-sized), pillow, towels, toiletries, camera, flashlight, snow gear, and activity clothes. Do not bring Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, fireworks, weapons, magazines, apparel with inappropriate graphics or lettering, or electronic devices (including but not limited to cell phones/music/media players). Christian conduct: Meadowlands Baptist Church maintains high standards of conduct. Campers who use alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs will be dismissed. No romantic contact is allowed. Uncooperative or noncompliant campers are subject to dismissal. Ladies/girls note: Clothing should come to the top of the knee and cover the shoulders. Low necklines (front and back) are not acceptable. Pants should be loose-fitting. Medications: Do not send medications unless prescribed by a doctor. Medications must be in their original container. Meals: Those on special diets must bring their necessary supplements. Phone use: Phones may only be accessed by campers for emergencies.
Required Signatures for Process of Application
I have read the general information and agree to support the camp with the dress and conduct regulations for my child while at camp. In case of a medical emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact the parents or guardians of campers. If I cannot be reached, I hereby permit the camp to hospitalize, secure proper treatment, order injection, anesthetize, or perform surgery deemed necessary for my child. I affirm that the medical information on this form is complete and accurate.
I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.