Sunday Worship Broadcast

Tune-in Live for Sunday Services


Our church is a diverse group of people committed to a united mission: knowing God more intimately, serving Him passionately, and reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 



  • Sundays: 9:30 am, 11 am
  • Wednesdays: 7 pm



Church Membership Class

Church Membership Class

A basic introduction to the mission and ministries of Meadowlands Baptist Church and how you can get involved. Supper included.

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Music Ministry Sign-Up

Music Ministry Sign-Up

Do you play an instrument or sing and want to serve Meadowlands as a part of the Music Ministry on Sundays? Fill out the form below for more information and share your talents with our church family!

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Sign up for the Meadowlands email newsletter.
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Sunday Morning Worship Broadcast Tune in Live at 10:30AM